

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Have you tried?

So I have been debating about using these sites for a while now. Yardsellr hooks up with your facebook account and will also pull from your etsy account for new Items you just have to put a code in your etsy description. From what I have concluded you put something up for sale, buyer buys it and once you ship and put tracking code in on your end you get paid for it. Looks legit but I haven't sold anything yet, I posted an Owl for the test run to see how it goes from there. As a Buyer you pay the listed price plus the shipping and a dollar to yardsellr, which is okay seeing how they allow you to win "money" by buying items and other such things. I am not sure how reliable it is yet seeing how I purchased my items late last night on a saturday, but I will defiantly post more about how it works in case someone would like to know.

Tophatter auction seems like a super fun way to sell and buy, you get to interact with both the buyers and seller of every item unless the seller is away at work or some other important thing. I would say its like the forums Etsy used to have where we played a game One seller would start off the forum and who ever bought got to promote their shop for a whole minute giving lots of detailed information about their shop and what they sell. Now if the buyer didn't own a shop they could then pick someone else or if two or more people bought from the store before then the 2nd buyer (if having a shop) would go. This would go on all day and lots of different shops you post. However here you post lots to come up to sell and then when it is your turn you promote the item and people bid like in a normal auction, its nice and clean and the background changes every so often which is nice if you end up spending a long time in the auction. I have to say that I haven't bought from this site so not sure how its going to go and I just put up a test Owl to see how the auction thing works for me. I was able to pick a time to sell my item after making the lot for it, now I am just waiting for the day to come so that I can promote/sell my lot. I have to say the not being able to put my lot for sale right away makes me sad but everyone gets turn so I will be a big girl and deal with it :P Will update with more information as it goes!


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